16 April 2013
Going to Europython 2013
I am going to the wonderful city of Florence, and Europython 2013 and make a presentation there. This time, I am not introducing Nuitka anymore, I did that in 2012, this time, I will try and dive into static optimization and try to convey the message why I believe it is possible.
Things to talk about
Only briefly this time, since I will be able to say that all current Python versions are fully supported (surely if you help me with Python3.3 yield from), all major platforms now. One important milestone has been reached meanwhile, and work on far reaching compile time optimizations is happening. As this should be quite obvious stuff, I am going to keep that short.
What I would like to get done until then:
One remaining area of work to achieve Win64 support, which is almost complete. I epxect one of the next releases to support it.
And of course there is threading, which was the one real major weakness present last time, which appears only short of pronouncing break-through. At least one user is using Nuitka with many threads operationally already. I just have to re-activate the thread using tests CPython that I disabled. Seems I only have to convince myself of it too.
Since it’s not totally a priority right now, one of the next releases will support it, likely before the conference.
But as you see. Completion all around is there or at least in sight. Kind of worked on this nearby.
Last years questions
For instance, writing to built-ins, what will/did happen.
Changing builtins can be done in two ways. One is to set the value on
the module level, which is something that has always worked. The other
is writing to builtins
This is something that is OK for Nuitka in some cases (__import__
) and handled by it at run time. And it’s not effective in
others (len
, str
Good news is that we got contributed a “compiled built-ins” code, where
we now will be able to see such writes. Now it’s only used to not check
every time for changes, but to know them (pull vs. push). But we will
also use it and trigger RuntimeError
exceptions for things we cannot
handle when we only learn of it at run time.
The other element to address is, it of course whole program analysis.
When Nuitka sees the write to builtins.str
, it may very well
consider it. The distinction between initial and current builtin values,
and the optimization of it, that will be interesting to cover.
Currently Nuitka does nothing of this, but it will.
Debugger - pdb
The compiled binaries work the same as the normal Python code. So you
will be able to simply use pdb
on it instead.
Interacting with pdb
is not totally out of reach, but kind of
pointless mostly, unless you need to attach to long running operational
programs. For now that use case is not supported though.
I learned a whole lot about threading. Also thanks to the kind people of Stackless Python, who explained things to me. I am still amazed at how little I did know of these things, and still went so far. In my industry, threads are considered not allowed, and I personally don’t like them either, so my experience was non-existing.
But in the mean time, I managed to come up with ideas that appear to work, and if I implement the full design, it will even be more efficient than anything.
C++ to Python gaps
I consider all of these more or less solved.
Well maybe except recently arose issues with MSVC for “function calls”. It appears that compiler highlights a weakness in one of my approaches. Nuitka so far only changed the order of declaration and call arguments around, which is kind of transparent.
But MSVC actively takes liberty to calculate function arguments as it sees fit. The fix for it, is now totally different and should be highly portable and even compliant to C++.
There are still slow exceptions. I would like to avoid raising C++ exceptions in the future, because they are so slow (Python exceptions are much faster).
And diagrams, I would like to have a whole lot more of these. Since I dropped speedcenter, I am making actual progress there. I hope to have enough to show at the conference, where the actual strength and weakness currently is.
Since I am getting closer to pronouncing Nuitka useful. I surely believe, I need to answer the performance question in larger detail. And of course, I need now a better idea, what impact measures have.
But as this is a lot of work, I doubt that I will be all that perfect by then, my goal is to have a comparison with Shedskin. No matter how unfair it is (Shedskin does only a small subset of Python), it’s the most useful comparison in my eyes, as where Shedskin makes static type analysis, Nuitka also should do it, only hampered by guards at maximum.
The talk with start out with demonstration of Nuitka, something simple first, and then Mercurial as a more complex example, and then its test suite.
And I will show portable binaries. It seems to work quite nicely. Generally I expect to start out with demos, and explain from there, instead of having a demo only at the end.
If it all works out, this time, they will be prepared with
so I can publish them separately too.
Future Work
Generally the talk will be more directed at the future, although this is kind of a dark area now. That’s its nature I guess.
The talk will also be largely built SSA (static single assignment) and how it applies to Python. What everybody means, when they say “Python is too dynamic (to be statically compiled)” is that Python values may escape to unknown code that changes them very often.
I will have to talk about that, and how get out of that trap, basically guards, much like PyPy does it too. Escaped values and strange code are only one option of things to occur. Having code for both cases, sounds possible. I will talk about how to decide, which branches we shall have and which not.
Compiled Modules
And I believe with “compiled modules” potentially already in place, we can achieve very cheap guards in most cases. I can at least explain, why guards can be relatively cheap, where we need them.
I am kind of bugged by that idea. It kind of means to revisit an older milestone, but now an idea has surfaced, that I previously didn’t have, and that I am very curious to learn the benefit of. Very quick and safe module variabls, are very tempting to have, and definitely make a difference for the Nuitka design.
Compiled Locals
Who knows, we might even have a “compiled locals” as well, which as a side effect, also allows total interactivity with the most absurd codes. So far, each local variable is a C++ object, and as this is compiled, and very fast.
But the frame locals is not in sync with it. Were it a special object, it could try and interact with these when control escapes to code that we don’t know if it might use it.
Whole Program Analysis
Big words. Can Nuitka avoid module objects entirely. Can it inline
functions, specialize them according to the only types used (think
including os.path.dirname
in the binary, but with the constraint
that it only need to work on string objects as input, because the
program is known to use it any different.
Last time, I spent a lot of time on justification, “why a new project?”, “why not work with the others?”, what goals do I have that others do not. Giving examples of how code generation works. Generally to give people an idea of the project.
With this out of the way, I can now focus on inclusion, and success.
And, well yes, this time I may not have to pay for it all by myself. Last time I spent close to 1000 Euros for the trip (ticket to enter, hotel, flight, food), because I am accepting donations for this specific reason.
For a strange reason, I devote substantial amounts of time to the project, only to put it under the most liberal license. It’s probably fair to allow people to make donations if they feel they want to further the project, but don’t know how. Or if they just consider it too important for me to loose interest. That kind of feels unlikely though. Too much fun.
Final Picture
And lets have an image I made during Europython 2012 in the city of Florence. It shows what a vibrant place this town is.

Florence is a place full of kind people. The mood not only of the conference, but the whole city is very open minded and helpful. It was very easy to get adopted by strangers to their party.
Final Words
I am looking forward to meeting the friends I made there last time, and new friends. I kind of a great time there last time, one of these “times of my life”. Even if the reception was not always as warm as I had deserved. I remember laughing a lot, learning a lot. And making unique experiences.