Posts tagged git
Nuitka on Github, Bitbucket and Gitorious
- 26 April 2013
This is to let you know, that I have finally carved in and created accounts on all those “social” platforms, that deal with code. So far I had resisted their terms (you pay us when we get sued), but I have given up on that stance, it’s likely irrelevant, as Nuitka won’t get sued, and if it is, those are not the issues.
Nuitka Pre-Release 0.3.4pre1
- 06 December 2010
This pre-release of Nuitka has a focus on re-organizing the Nuitka generated source code. Please see the page “What is Nuitka?” for clarification of what it is now and what it wants to be.
New git repository to sync with Nuitka releases
- 26 August 2010
For you git fans out there I have just added a new method to download Nuitka from something I call the release git repository: