Nuitka User Manual

This page is the recommended first read when you start using Nuitka.

This page will teach you more about Nuitka fundamentals and is the recommended first read when you start using Nuitka.


To ensure smooth work of Nuitka, make sure to follow the system requirements that include the following components:

C Compiler

You need a C compiler with support for C11 or for older Python only, a C++ compiler for C++03 [1].

For Windows, use one of the following compilers:

  • Visual Studio 2022 or higher. Use the default English language pack to enable Nuitka to filter away irrelevant outputs and, therefore, have the best results.

    Using --msvc=latest enforces using this compiler.

  • The MinGW64 compiler (used with --mingw64) option, must be the one Nuitka downloads, and it enforces that because there was very frequent breakage with the complete tooling used.

    Nuitka will offer to automatically download it if no usable C compiler is found. Using --mingw64 enforces using this compiler.

  • The Clang-cl compiler can be used if provided by the Visual Studio installer or Using --clang on Windows enforces the one from Visual Studio.

  • The Clang compiler can be used from from the MinGW64 download.

    Using --mingw64 --clang enforces using this Clang.

For Linux, use either the GCC from the system or an installed clang.

For macOS, use the system Clang compiler. Install XCode via Apple Store to be covered.

For FreeBSD on most architectures, use Clang or GCC, ideally matching the system compiler.

For other platforms, use the GCC compiler of at least version 5.1 or higher. Use back-ports such as EPEL or SCL.


Python 3 (3.4 — 3.11) and Python 2 (2.6, 2.7) are supported. If a stable Python release isn’t listed here, don’t worry; it’s being worked on and added as soon as possible.

Special cases need 2 Python installations

In some scenarios, you might need to download an additional Python version. To get to know more, read the following statements:

  • If you use Python 3.4, additionally install either Python 2 or Python 3.5+. You will need it during the compile time because SCons (which orchestrates the C compilation) does not support Python 3.4, but Nuitka does for some commercial users targeting Windows XP.

  • If you use the Windows opening system, don’t use Python 2 because clcache doesn’t work with it. Install Python 3.5+ instead. Nuitka finds these needed Python versions (for example, on Windows via registry) and you shouldn’t notice it as long as they are installed.

  • Other functionality is available when another Python has a certain package installed. For example, Python 2.x can use onefile compression if another Python with the zstandard package is installed as well.

Important considerations

  • Moving binaries to other machines: The created binaries can be made executable independent of the Python installation, with --standalone and --onefile options.

  • Binary filename suffix: The created binaries have an .exe suffix on Windows. On other platforms, they have either no suffix in standalone mode or the .bin suffix, that you are free to remove or change, or specify with the -o option. The suffix for acceleration mode is added to make sure that the original script name and the binary name do not ever collide, so we can safely overwrite the binary without destroying the source file.

  • Module mode filenames: Python Extension modules cannot be renamed without breaking them, the filename and the module name have to match, so you must to change the source filename to get the desired result.

  • It has to be a standard Python implementation: You need a form of standard Python implementation, called CPython, to execute Nuitka because it’s closely tied to the implementation details of it. Ideally you use the official Python only.

  • Homebrew (for macOS) is supported, but not ideal: The resulting binaries are not as portable and specifically not backward portable.

  • Anaconda Python is supported: The Anaconda distribution is making special adaptations for some conda packages that lead to errors and might have to be reported as issues, such that special treatment can be added.

  • Python from Microsoft Store: Don’t download Python from Microsoft Store, as it doesn’t work properly.

  • Pyenv on macOS: It is known that macOS pyenv does not work. Use Homebrew instead for self-compiled Python installations.

Operating System

Nuitka supports the following operating systems: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, macOS, and Windows (32 bits/64 bits/ARM).

The portability is excellent, therefore other operating systems will work as well.

However, specific adjustments might be necessary, such as modifying Nuitka’s internal SCons usage or providing additional flags. Ensure that the Python version matches the architecture of the C compiler, or else you will get cryptic error messages.


Supported Architectures are x86, x86_64 (AMD64), and ARM.

Nuitka generally does not use any hardware specifics and produces portable C code. Therefore, many other architectures work out of the box as well.

Generally, the architectures that Debian or RHEL support can be considered good and tested, too; for example, RISC-V won’t pose any issues.


For most systems, there will be packages on the download page of Nuitka. You can also install it from the source code via the standard python install routine.

Notice for integration with GitHub workflows, there is this Nuitka-Action that you should use that makes it easy to integrate. You ought to start with a local compilation to iron out issues, but for deployment to multiple platforms, Nuitka-Action will make that very easy with Nuitka.

Read also about the Nuitka License.

Command Line Usage

To use Nuitka via the command line, select one of the following ways to ensure smooth execution.

Direct way

Alternatively, you can run Nuitka directly from a source checkout (or archive) without altering environment variables. You can execute Nuitka seamlessly without having to manipulate the PYTHONPATH variable.

Simply execute the nuitka script directly without changing the environment. You could add the bin directory to your PATH for convenience, but that is optional; just use a qualified path to execute it.

Moreover, if you want to execute with the right interpreter, run the following command:

<the_right_python> bin/nuitka


If you encounter the SyntaxError message, you most certainly have picked the wrong interpreter for the program you are compiling.

Nuitka has a --help option to display its available functionalities. To view it, run the following command:

python -m nuitka --help

Data Files

Data files are all the files of your Python program except for code. These files might be images, configuration files, or text documents. Nuitka offers several options to handle these data files during the compilation.

Code is not Data Files


Code is not Data Files

Nuitka does not consider code to be data files and will not include DLLs or Python files as data files. Because code files without proper treatment will not work on other systems unless you really know what you are doing.

In the following table, we list code file types.





Nuitka trims even the stdlib modules to be included. If it doesn’t see Python code, there is no dependencies analyzed, and as a result it will just not work.

Use --include-module on them instead


Same as .py.

Use --include-module on them from their source code instead.


Same as .pyc.

Use --include-module on them from their source code instead.


Same as .py.

For including multiple programs, use multiple --main arguments instead.


These are ignored, because they are code-like and not needed at run time. For the lazy package that actually would depend on them, we made a compile time solution that removes the need.

Raise an issue if 3rd part software needs it.


These are ignored, because they are Cython source code not used at run time


These are ignored, since they usually are not data files. For the cases where 3rd party packages do actually used them as data, e.g. .NET packages, we solve that in package configuration for it.

Create Nuitka Package configuration for those, with dll section for the package that uses them. For rare cases, data-files section with special configuration might be the correct thing to do.


These are ignored, since they macOS extension modules or DLLs.

Need to add configuration with dll section or depends that are missing


These are ignored, since they Linux, BSD, etc. extension modules or DLLs.

Need to add configuration with dll section or depends that are missing


The are binaries to Windows.

You can add Nuitka Package configuration to include those as DLLs and mark them as executable: yes


The are binaries to non-Windows, otherwise same as .exe.

Package data --include-package-data=PACKAGE

Include data files for the given package name. Data files of packages are not included by default, but package configuration should do it, or this option can be used. If you find you need to do it for a third-party package, feel free to let us know through an issue report as we strive to make most packages work out of the box.

DLLs and Python extension modules are not data files and are, by default, never included by this option. See Code is not Data Files for more information about why.

You can use patterns for the filenames as indicated. After a : optionally, a filename pattern may be specified as well, selecting only matching files.

  • --include-package-data=package_name (all files)

  • --include-package-data=package_name=*.txt (only certain type)

  • --include-package-data=package_name=some_filename.dat (concrete file)

Data files by file patterns --include-data-files

Include data files by filenames in the distribution. Generally do not use this for package data; see above for that there is --include-package-data that is easier to use and more likely correct.

There are several allowed forms.

  • --include-data-files=/path/to/file/some.txt=folder_name/some.txt will copy a single file.

  • --include-data-files=/path/to/file/*.txt=folder_name/some.txt will copy a single file and complain if it’s multiple sources, the use of a pattern is entirely for convenience here.

  • --include-data-files=/path/to/files/*.txt=folder_name/ will put all matching files into that folder.

  • For a recursive copy, there is a form with three separated values --include-data-files=/path/to/scan=folder_name=**/*.txt that will preserve the directory structure and only copy files matching.


You can also use variables here if you use Nuitka project options, the most useful being {MAIN_DIRECTORY} that will allow you refer to where the compiled program lives and use relative paths to that.

Data files by directories --include-data-dir=DIRECTORY

Include data files from a complete directory in the distribution. This is recursive, meaning it includes files from subdirectories as well.

  • Use patterns with --include-data-files if you want non-recursive inclusion.

  • With --include-data-dir=/path/some_dir=data/some_dir you can include a data directory as a whole in the distribution.

  • Use the --noinclude-data-files to remove files that matched, but you want to exclude them. In this fashion, those options work in reverse to --include-data-files.

Copy data files near the onefile --include-onefile-external-data=PATTERN

Include the specified data file patterns outside of the onefile binary, rather than on the inside. It of course only makes sense in case of --onefile compilation. First files have to be specified as included somehow, then this refers to target paths, and rather than copying to the distribution, the path then refers to alongside the onefile executable produced.


This section includes customization options to enhance the appearance and functionality of compiled binaries.


The icon tweak allows you to customize the visual appearance of the resulting executable file. This icon is what users will see when they look at the file in their file explorer and in the taskbar or dock.

On Windows, you can provide a PNG file, an icon file, or a template executable. These create binaries with icons on Windows and may even be combined:

python -m nuitka --onefile --windows-icon-from-ico=your-icon.png
python -m nuitka --onefile --windows-icon-from-ico=your-icon.ico
python -m nuitka --onefile --windows-icon-template-exe=your-icon.ico

These create application bundles with icons on macOS:

python -m nuitka --macos-create-app-bundle --macos-app-icon=your-icon.png
python -m nuitka --macos-create-app-bundle --macos-app-icon=your-icon.icns


With Nuitka, you don’t have to create platform-specific icons manually. Instead, it seamlessly converts various formats, such as PNG and others on the go during the build process.

MacOS Entitlements

Entitlements define the capabilities and permissions that the application has when running, such as access to audio, camera, or calendar. Entitlements for a macOS application bundle can be added with the option --macos-app-protected-resource (macOS only).

For example, if you want to request access to a microphone, use the following option value --macos-app-protected-resource="NSMicrophoneUsageDescription:Microphone access" giving the Apple identifier, and a human readable one.

See the complete list in the Protected resources page.


If you have spaces in the entitlement description, make sure to quote the argument value. That prevents your shell from interpreting the spaces as separate arguments for Nuitka and make sure that the description is correctly passed through to Nuitka.

Windows UAC Configuration

Request Windows User Account Control (UAC), to grant admin rights on execution with --windows-uac-admin (Windows only). By default, Nuitka compiles programs to run without special privileges.

Request Windows User Account Control (UAC), to enforce prompting on the remote desktop with --windows-uac-uiaccess (Windows only). See Microsoft Documentation on the topic for details about this.

Console Window

On Windows, programs can open a console by default. You can change that with the --disable-console option. That makes them suitable for output visibility or easy debugging of program errors, which is essential.

In Python, there is also a difference between pythonw.exe and python.exe along those lines. Nuitka replicates that with the option --disable-console.

Nuitka itself recommends this option, especially when using GUI packages like PySide6 or wx, but it may not cover all those cases. In case you know your program is a console application, use --enable-console, which will get rid of these kinds of outputs from Nuitka.


You cannot use pythonw.exe with Nuitka, as you won’t be able to see its output.

Splash screen

Splash screens are helpful when program startup is slow. The startup of Nuitka in Onefile is fast, but your program might need more time. Moreover, you can’t be sure how fast the computer used will be, so it might be a good idea to have splash screens. Luckily, with Nuitka, they are easy to add for Windows.

For the splash screen, you need to specify it as a PNG file. Make sure to turn off the splash screen when your program is ready, meaning it has completed the imports, prepared the window, or connected to the database. To combine the code with the creation, compile the following project syntax:

# nuitka-project: --onefile
# nuitka-project: --onefile-windows-splash-screen-image={MAIN_DIRECTORY}/Splash-Screen.png

# Whatever this is, obviously
print("Delaying startup by 10s...")
import time, tempfile, os

# Use this code to signal the splash screen removal.
if "NUITKA_ONEFILE_PARENT" in os.environ:
   splash_filename = os.path.join(
      "onefile_%d_splash_feedback.tmp" % int(os.environ["NUITKA_ONEFILE_PARENT"]),

   if os.path.exists(splash_filename):

print("Done... splash should be gone.")

# Rest of your program goes here.


For analysis of your program and Nuitka packaging, the Compilation Report is available. You can also make custom reports by providing your template or using one built-in to Nuitka. These reports carry all the detailed information; for example, when a module is imported but not found, you can see where that happens.


We highly recommend that you provide the Compilation Report when reporting issues. This report, with its detailed information, is a reliable tool for troubleshooting. It allows you to share precise insights into your program’s compilation, aiding in the swiftly resolving any issues that may arise.

Version Information

You can attach copyright and trademark information, company name, product name, and other elements to your compilation. You will see it in the version information for the created binary on Windows or the application bundle on macOS.


For some version options, you can put any text you choose here, but make sure to quote the new lines appropriately for the shell to see this as one argument.

Product Name

With the --product-name option, you specify the product’s name to use in version information. Defaults to the base filename of the created binary; for example, when compiling, it becomes MySoftware, but you can override it as you choose.

Product Version

For Windows, there is a distinction between file and product version, and Nuitka will, where applicable, also combine the two into a single one if you specify both.

Use --product-version and --file-version to provide full version information. It must be up to 4 numbers; for example, and``1.0`` will also be accepted. For Windows version information, Nuitka adds zeros automatically. Non-numbers are not allowed here.

File Description

You can also describe the created binary for use in the version information with the option --file-description, by default on Windows, because it’s mandatory in version information Nuitka uses the binary filename, so for example, becomes MySoftware.exe, but it’s better for you to provide one.


You can specify legal trademark information to display in the version information with the --trademark option.

Compilation Report

When you use --report=compilation-report.xml Nuitka will create an XML file with detailed information about the compilation and packaging process. This is growing in completeness with every release and exposes module usage attempts, timings of the compilation, plugin influences, data file paths, DLLs, and reasons why things are included or not.

At this time, the report contains absolute paths in some places, with your private information. The goal is to make this blended out by default because we also want to become able to compare compilation reports from different setups, for example with updated packages, and see the changes to Nuitka. The report is, however, recommended for your bug reporting.

Also, another form is available, where the report is free form and according to a Jinja2 template of yours, and one that is included in Nuitka. The same information as used to produce the XML file is accessible. However, right now, this is not yet documented, but we plan to add a table with the data. For a reader of the source code that is familiar with Jinja2, however, it will be easy to do it now already.

If you have a template, you can use it like this --report-template=your_template.rst.j2:your_report.rst and of course, the usage of restructured text, is only an example. You can use Markdown, your own XML, or whatever you see fit. Nuitka will just expand the template with the compilation report data.

Currently, the following reports are included in Nuitka. You just use the name as a filename, and Nuitka will pick that one instead.

Report Name





Distributions used in a compilation with license texts


The community can and should contribute more report types and help enhancing the existing ones for good looks.

Unsupported functionality

The co_code attribute of code objects

The code objects are empty for native compiled functions. There is no bytecode with Nuitka’s compiled function objects, so there is no way to provide it.


There is no tracing of compiled functions to attach a debugger to.